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Sid Roth "It's Supernatural"-Glenda

Glenda Underwood Jackson is a powerful prophetess and healing evangelist of the Lord. She moves in signs, wonders, and miracles to glorify Jesus. Since 1974, she has been a missionary evangelist. Her primary focus from 1974 through 2007 was ministry to the Native American Indians. She has ministered to many tribes throughout California, Nevada and Arizona.

Glenda is from a Church of God background. Her father, C.L. Underwood was a healing evangelist with many great miracles in his services. Her great aunt was Maria Woodworth-Etter (1844-1924), who some considered to have had one of the most powerful evangelistic ministries of modern times.

On December 29, 2007 on her birthday, Glenda had a powerful angelic visitation from the Lord. She was told in that visitation that doors would open to her to major ministries throughout the United States. Since then, doors have swung wide open to Glenda's ministry. She has ministered at the World Convention of the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International and several fire conferences for Evangelist Benny Hinn. Glenda also ministered in numerous other churches, conferences and camp meetings in the US, Europe and Africa.

Her ministry is marked by her accurate prophetic words. Glenda often says in her response to her ministry, "I'm nothing, it's all God."

"It's one thing to have a vision, and another to obey that vision..."

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